Parent Education
Fatherhood Program
Through the Fatherhood program, fathers learn healthy re-engagement activities and effective discipline techniques, as well as how to make appropriate connections with their children’s school and community. This program is available to fathers in the greater Pottstown area, as well as fathers incarcerated in Montgomery County Correctional Facility. For more information, please contact Eve Bieber at ebieber@fsmontco.org.
Parent Cafe
Parent Cafe is structured to facilitate the building of community connections and strengthen family bonds. Led by a trained facilitator, parents can share experiences, parenting tips, and more through table discussions. For more information, please contact Eve Bieber at PFCParentCafe@fsmontco.org.
Parents as Teachers (PAT)
Parents as Teachers (PAT) assists parents in understanding their child’s development and encourages the use of activities that promote healthy growth in language, motor, and social-emotional competence. The goal is to support parents in being their child’s first teacher, as well as to ensure that their children are ready to begin and succeed in kindergarten.
In 2022, Family Services completed the Parents as Teachers Quality Endorsement and Improvement Process and earned the highest designation: Blue Ribbon Affiliate status. Being named a Blue Ribbon Affiliate affirms that Family Services is among the highest quality members of the home visitation and parent education field, implementing the evidence-based Parents as Teachers model with fidelity and quality.
Eligible families include those with children from pre-natal until age six or enrolled in kindergarten. Sessions are available in English and Spanish. Virtual and in-person visits are available. For more information, please complete this form or contact Eve Bieber at PAT@fsmontco.org.
Parenting Inside Out
Parenting Inside Out is the only evidence-based parenting skills program developed specifically for incarcerated and criminal justice involved parents. It is designed to interrupt patterns of criminality and substance abuse and address adjustment of child and family to parental incarceration and reentry into society. For more information, please contact Alissa McBride at amcbride@fsmontco.org.
Pottstown Early Action for Kindergarten Readiness (PEAK)
The PEAK initiative works with the Pottstown School District to coordinate community early childhood education and related services and make them more readily available to Pottstown families. This program is open to any caregivers of children enrolled in Pre-K Counts in the Pottstown School District. For more information, please contact Pam Bradley at pbradley@fsmontco.org.
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
Triple P provides parents and caregivers of children ages 0-18 with useful strategies and simple tips that assist in managing common behavior problems and building strong, healthy relationships. Sessions are available in English and Spanish. Virtual and in-person sessions are available. For more information, please contact Marta Pecharo at TripleP@fsmontco.org.