Family Support
Alternative Response Housing Initiative
The Alternative Response Housing Initiative assists families in assessing their ongoing needs and provides support as they develop solutions to become self-sufficient. The Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth refers families who are facing financial hardships by providing diversionary, short-term case management services. For more information, please contact Eve Bieber at ebieber@fsmontco.org.
Family Reunification
Available to families whose children are placed in care with the Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth, intensive case management services are provided for birth parents in an effort to remedy the conditions that resulted in the placement. Parents are supported as they work toward their Family Service Plan goals to create a safe home environment to which their child can return. For more information, please contact Eve Bieber at ebieber@fsmontco.org.
Transitional Support
We provide transitional support to assist families with the adjustment of their children returning home after being placed in foster care placement and to make the transition manageable for all involved. For more information, please contact Eve Bieber at ebieber@fsmontco.org.
Youth Diversionary Case Management
Case management is provided for non-violent youth under the age of 18 who have committed a criminal offense. Support services and resources are made available to the youth and family to ensure their successful completion of the Youth Aid Panel or Juvenile Probation process. For more information, please contact Tanesha Outterbridge at toutterbridge@fsmontco.org.