Community Resources
2‑1‑1 SEPA is part of the national 2‑1‑1 Call Centers initiative that seeks to provide an easy-to-remember telephone number, chat, text, and a web resource for finding health and human services for everyday needs and in crisis situations. 2-1-1 SEPA serves Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties in Pennsylvania.
Alliance for Strong Families and Communities Members are organizations dedicated to serving children and families and/or that are focused on economic empowerment. Family Services is a member of the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities.
Commonwealth of PA Access to Social Services (COMPASS) is an online application for Pennsylvanians to apply for many health and human service programs.
Interagency Council of Norristown (ICN) is a consortium of human service organizations and individuals whose primary focus is to improve the delivery of and access to human services within the central Montgomery County area.
Mitzvah Circle Foundation is a nonprofit charitable organization that helps individuals and families in crisis meet their critical needs. Diapers, period supplies, clothing and related items, personal care products, baby gear, and other items in bulk are provided at no charge to approved partner agencies.
Montgomery County, PA Learn more at the official website of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
Montgomery County Community Connections Navicate Program provides assistance by skilled staff who navigate and advocate for those in need of human services.
Montgomery County Reentry Initiative
Pottstown Early Action for Kindergarten Readiness (PEAK) The PEAK initiative coordinates quality early childhood education and related services and makes them more available to children and their families.
TriCounty Community Network (TCN) is a link where community providers, agencies and businesses can turn for collaborative solutions to problems; a vehicle to help community members identify important resources; and a link to find critical community services that impact southern Berks, northern Chester and western Montgomery counties.
Upper Merion Area CAST works toward the goal of decreasing and preventing drug use and violence among youth.
United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey harnesses, leverages and strategically invests the collective power of donors, advocates and volunteers to drive measurable results that improve the lives of people in the region.
Your Way Home was established in 2014 as Montgomery County's unified and coordinated housing crisis response system for families and individuals experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of homelessness.