Older Adults
In-Home Counseling
Our dedicated counselors specialize in empowering clients to maximize their independence. Professional, compassionate staff provide counseling services for a wide range of challenges, such as grief and loss, chronic health conditions, family conflict, depression, and anxiety. Fees are assessed through Medicare and insurance reimbursement for eligible clients.
For more information, contact Deb Harris at dharris@fsmontco.org.
Meals on Wheels
Family Services is a proud provider of Meals on Wheels, a program that offers two nutritious meals up to seven days a week for adults over age 60 at significant risk of malnutrition. Community volunteers deliver meals Monday through Friday. Frozen weekend meals are available.
For more information, contact our Meals on Wheels team at 610-326-1610 or MOW@fsmontco.org.
Become a Meals on Wheels volunteer!
Project HEARTH (Helping Elderly Adults Remain in Their Homes)
Through Project HEARTH, we assist older adults who are 60 years of age and older to remain independent in their homes through volunteer supportive services. Low-income clients are subsidized by foundation grants and are offered telephone reassurance, friendly visitation, and transportation/errand services by trained volunteers.
For more information, contact HEARTH@fsmontco.org.
Shared Housing and Resource Exchange (SHARE)
Shared Housing and Resource Exchange (SHARE) is an affordable housing choice that brings together homeowners who want to share their home with home seekers who are looking for housing in exchange for rent, help around the house, or a combination of both. The home seeker receives their own bedroom and agreed upon use of the common areas.
Every arrangement is unique depending on the the needs, preferences, and abilities of the participants involved.
SHARE participants must be at least 18 years of age, and one of the individuals in the match must be over the age of 60.
For more information, contact Deborah Solodar at dsolodar@fsmontco.org.
Telephone Reassurance Program
Through the Telephone Reassurance Program, participating older adults receive scheduled, weekday phone calls from caring, trained volunteers. These courtesy calls ensure the well-being of elderly residents throughout Montgomery County.
For more information, contact HEARTH@fsmontco.org.